Our Mission:
Helping our young people and their families connect with God for the purpose of making healthier and wiser life choices.
Young People
ConnEct With God
Young People
ConnEct With God
What We Do.....
Through our variety of programs we are able to serve many people in the community. Our involvement partnering with the juvenile courts allow us to provide role models, training, and support for youth in need of guidance and direction. Our goal is to instill various values that can turn a life of hopelessness into a life of purpose and success.
Partnering with the courts and our community, we provide support, training, and positive role models for young people in need of guidance and direction. We do this through a series of programs, and intentional relationship building, that help to instill values that can help turn a life of hopelessness into a life of purpose and success.
Partnering with the courts and our community, we provide support, training, and positive role models for young people in need of guidance and direction. We do this through a series of programs, and intentional relationship building, that help to instill values that can help turn a life of hopelessness into a life of purpose and success.
Our Staff.
Jackie is the founder of HOPE and has been serving at risk youth in Clark and surrounding counties since 1995. Jackie earned a Master's degree in Counseling from the University of Dayton and a Master's degree in Secondary Education from Murray State University. Jackie has a mission to see young people reach their God given potential and has dedicated her adult life in a variety of settings working toward that end. She has served as a coach, teacher, school counselor, houseparent, foster parent, youth pastor and chaplain. Her love for kids, laughter, family, friends and her dog Lincoln, keep her charged. Her passion is following Jesus wherever that adventure may take her!
Bethany Birkhead
Assistant Director of HOPE/Rock of HOPE Director Bethany Birkhead is a wife to Andrew of 17 years and mother of three children. She has been on staff or volunteering in ministry since she was a teenager. During the summer after her first-year college, she was asked to serve in an inner-city summer program for kids in Cincinnati. She was hooked on youth and kids' ministry after that experience. It was also during that time, she felt the confirmation and calling to be in vocational ministry. Bethany has served three churches, over the span of 18 years, overseeing youth and kids' ministries. Recently she received her pastoral ordination in October of 2023 through Church of God-Anderson, IN. Over the last two 2 years, she has been serving on staff at HOPE working with kids to help them in their reading and cooking skills. In January of 2024, she became the Rock of HOPE director. Bethany devotes her time to connecting with kids and students all the way to graduation. She strives to live out Matthew 19:14 in not hindering, but letting all children come to Jesus. She wants to spend all of her time shepherding, discipling, and encouraging kids and youth to find and follow Jesus. She looks forward to continuing to serve the youth of Springfield and prays that more of them come to know the God who made them and loves them. |